Foot size

Foot size
Three Brothers, Tom, Dick and Harry, all have unusually large feet. Tom and Harry are both size 12, but Dick's are a whopping size 14. Tom and Harry decide to have a night on the town and whilst in a bar, notice a group of women looking over and laughing. Harry asks the group what they are laughing at and one of the women apologies, but says they can’t get over the size of their feet. Harry laughs and tells the women “if you think these are big, you should see the size of our Dick’s “

Singing in the shower

Singing in the shower
Having lunch one day, a sex therapist says to her friend, “According to a survey we just completed, ninety percent of women masturbate in the shower and only ten percent sing.”
“Really” says the friend. “And do you know what song they sing?”
The therapist replies, “I didn't know.”
“Hum, I thought so.” Says the friend.
Q: What's the difference between Beer Nuts and Deer Nuts?
A: Beer Nuts are $1, and Deer Nuts are always under a buck!
Thoughts for the day
• Indecision is the key to flexibility.
• Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.
• Anything worth fighting for is worth fighting dirty for.
• EROTIC is when you may use a feather to tickle and arouse your lover.
PERVERTED is when you use the whole chicken
• Two blondes walked into a building… you’d have thought at least one of them would have seen it!

Cowboy Boots

Cowboy Boots
A woman goes into a saloon and sees a cowboy with his feet propped up on a table. He has the biggest boots she's ever seen! So she walks over to him and asks, “Is it true what they say about men with big feet?”
The cowboy grins and says, “Shore is, little lady! Why don't you come on out to the bunkhouse and let me prove it to you?”
Excited by the prospect woman spends the night with the cowboy. The next  morning she hands him a $100 bill. Blushing, he says, “Thank you, ma'am. Am real flattered. Nobody’s ever paid me for my services before.”
The woman replies, “Don't be flattered cowboy. Take the money and buy yourself some boots that fit!”

News Bulletin

News Bulletin
Two guys are having a beer at the local Pub.
“What's up mate? You look kind of down.” Asks John.
“My wife just told me that my lovemaking is just like a news bulletin.”
“O Yea, Why's that?”
“Because it's brief, unexpected and usually a disaster.”

Blind date

Blind date
After being with a girl all evening, the guy had decided he couldn't take another minute with his blind date. Earlier in the evening, he had secretly arranged to have a friend call him on his mobile phone. So he’d have an excuse to leave if the date was not going well.
When he returned to the table, he lowered his eyes, put on a grim expression and said "I have some bad news. My grandfather just died."
"Thank God," his date replied. "If yours hadn't, mine would have had to."

Passport photos

Passport photos
Two Swedish sisters go to a photographer to get some passport pictures taken.
Being from the country they are a little unsure about what’s going to happen.
When the photographer he goes under the black cloth, one sister turns to the other and asks, “Vots he goink to do?”
“He's goink to focus!” replies her sister.
“O, Bot of us?”

Order, Order!

Order, Order!
Three women appear in court, each accusing the others of causing the trouble in the apartment building where they live.
The women are arguing noisily in the court and after a few minutes the judge, bangs his hammer to quiet them down. “We are going to do this in an orderly manner.” Says the Judge. “ I can't listen to all of you at once. I'll hear the oldest lady first.”
The case was dismissed due to lack of testimony.


A Rabbit walks into a cafe and orders a toasted cheese sandwich.
As soon as it arrives he gobbles it down in a rush.
Next he then orders a toasted ham sandwich, again as soon as it arrives he gobbles it down.
After a few minutes the rabbit starts to look green, so the Waitress asks him, “Are you unwell?”
“Yes” replies the rabbit, “I thinks it's - Mixing me toasties!”
Q: What's the definition of a will?
A: You should know this! It’s a dead giveaway.
Q: What does a poet do when he’s walking backwards?
A: He writes inverse.
Q: Who wrote the health warning on a caviar jar?
A: The Sturgeon General.

The fridge

The fridge
A woman goes to see a psychiatrist about her husband.
“Doc, My husband won’t come to see you, but he has a real problem.
Almost every night he dreams that he’s a refrigerator!”
“Hum”, says the doc, “That is not really a problem. A lot of people dream that they are somebody or something unusual.”
“Well” says the woman “it’s not just a problem for him it’s a problem for me. He sleeps with his mouth open and the little light is keeping me awake!”

Terrible Pain

Terrible Pain
A doctor is examining a gorgeous blonde girl who has a terrible pain in her abdomen.
“My dear, you have acute appendicitis,” Says the doc.
The Blonde become quite angry with this and shouts, “Could you stop hitting on me doc. I just want to be examined, not complimented!”

Do you serve lawyers?

Do you serve lawyers?
A man walks into a bar with an alligator under his arm and asks the bartender,
“Do you serve lawyers in here?”
“We sure do,” replies the bartender.
“Great,” says the man. “I’ll have a beer, and lawyer for my alligator, please”

The diet

The diet
A store manager at electronics retailer estimates that about 15% of LCD TVs are bought for "a bathroom environment." The popularity of bathroom TVs, he claims, can be attributed to the increased amount of time spent there by people on the Atkins diet.

Blonde driver

Blonde driver
A traffic cop pulls alongside a speeding car on a motorway. Glancing at the driver he’s
astounded to see a blonde behind the wheel knitting! Realizing that she was oblivious to
his flashing lights and siren, the cop rolls down his window and yells, “Pull over lady!”
“No!” the blonde replies, “It’s a scarf!”


A guy goes to see his doctor as he’s troubled by a strange dream. He says doc, “I keep
dreaming that I’m in the Wild West and I’m riding a brown horse. I chase after a
stagecoach and when I catch it, I jump off my horse and clime through the left door.
I then open the right door and jump out onto a white horse and ride off. What does it
mean doc?”
“Hum, interesting”, says the doctor, “Nothing to worry about. I’d just say it’s a stage
you’re going through.”
Q: What’s the favourite phrase of most arts graduates?
A: Would you like fries with that?


Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.
Quoting one is plagiarism; quoting many is research.
I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing.
Computer programmers don't byte, they nibble a bit.

The survey

The survey
A recent survey was carried out to see what type of women’s legs most men prefer. The
results were:
25 % said that they like fat legs
19 % said that they like skinny legs
And the rest said they prefer something in between!

English Teacher

English Teacher
An English teacher writes, “I ain't had no fun in months” on the black board. She then
asks her class, “OK, how should I correct that?”
The class wag replies, “Miss, Miss. Get yourself a new boyfriend!”


Her name was Penny and she wanted to change it.
Teacher: Use benign in a sentence.
Student: I am eight years old. Next year I'll benign
Teacher: Use benign in a sentence.
Student: I've had this tumour for eight years. Next year it will benign.

The Widow

The Widow
A widow that had recently married to a widower, was talking to a girl friend. “I suppose,
like all men who have been married before, your husband sometimes talks about his first
wife?” joked the friend.
“Oh, not any more,” replied the widow.
“What stopped him?” asked the friend.
“I started talking about my next husband.”

Blonde dieting

Blonde dieting
A terribly overweight blonde goes to see her doctor for some help with dieting.
“I want you to eat regularly for 2 days, then skip a day, and repeat this procedure for 2
weeks. The next time I see you, you'll have lost at least 5 pounds.” Says the doc.
When the blonde returns she shocks the doctor by losing nearly 20 pounds!
“That's amazing!” says the doc. “Did you follow my instructions?”
The blonde nods, “I'll tell you though, I thought I was going to die on the third day.”
“What from hunger?” asks the doc.
“No.” says the Blonde. “From all that bloody skipping!”


Q: Have you seen Stevie Wonder's latest CD?
A: No? Well, neither has he!.

Stevie Wonder is walking down the aisle of the supermarket, and he's swinging his cane about, knocking boxes off the shelves on the right, knocking boxes off the shelves on the left, knocking more boxes off the shelves on the right...
...and the store manager comes running up to see what's going on, carefully steps over all the boxes strewn everywhere, sees it's Stevie Wonder - so he says "Can I help you?".
"No," says Stevie "I'm just looking".

Did you hear about the nice lady who gave Stevie Wonder a ticket to see Marcel Marceau?

Man says to Stevie Wonder "What's it like being blind?".
Says Stevie: "Well, it's better than being Black!".


Q: What's the difference between Circular Quay and a poof with AIDS?
A: One's a ferry terminal, the other's a terminal fairy.

Q: How do you fit four poofs on a bar stool?
A: Turn it upside down.

Q: What do you call a Jewish homosexual?
A: A He-blew.

Q: What do you call an Irish homosexual?
A: Gay-lick.

Q: What do you call a Chinese homosexual?
A: Chew-man-chew.

Q: Why did the homosexual leave home?
A: He didn't like the way he was being reared.

Q: What did one lesbian say to the other?
A: "Your face or mine?"

Q: Considering that in order to get married, two heterosexuals have to get a marriage licence, what do two lesbians have to get?
A: A liquor licence.

Q: What do you call a gay milkman?
A: A Dairy Queen.

Q: Why was the homosexual fired from his job at the sperm bank?
A: For drinking on the job.

Poof goes to see a doctor: "Doctor, doctor, I've got AIDS! Can you do anything for me?".
Doctor says: "Certainly," gets out his prescription pad and starts writing, "here's a prescription for some castor oil and heavy-duty liquid laxatives; take half a litre of each, every morning for the next two weeks".
Poof asks: "Will this cure me of AIDS?".
Doctor: "No, but after this, you'll know what your arse was designed for".


What do you call it when you have three Chinamen, one Abo, and three Niggers lying down on your front law?
An automatic return-cycle sprinkler (Do sprinkler sounds: Ching Ching Ching; Boong; Nigger Nigger Nigger).

Have you seen the world's shortest books?:
Irish Wit and Wisdom.
Jewish Business Ethics.
Italian War Heroes.
Negroes I Have Met While Yachting.
Aboriginal Hygeine Hints.
Adolf Hitler’s Kosher Recipes.
Muslim Pork Dishes.
The Amish Phone Book.
Things I Can`t Afford by Bill Gates.
Great Women Drivers of Today.
The Complete Guide to Catholic Sex.
The Book of Good Australian Beer.
Beauty Secrets by Cathy Freeman.

How can you tell if an Irishman is present at a cock fight?
He enters a duck.
How can you tell if a Pole is present?
He bets money on the duck.
How can you tell if an Italian is present?
The duck wins.

Three guys - a Frenchman, a German and a Irishman, were sitting in a bar. In walked a mean looking black guy looking for a fight. He sat down, ordered a beer, took a drink, went over and slapped the Frenchman and said, "I like screwing white women."
The Frenchman looked at him and thought, and said, "Well, that's great."
Then the big black guy went over to the German, hit him on the shoulder and said, "I like screwing white women."
The German looked at him and said, "Good for you."
The black guy sat down and took another drink of his beer. He got up, walked over to the Irishman and belted him on the back, then said, "I like screwing white women."
The Irishman sat and thought for a second and finally said, "I don't blame you. I don't like screwing those black ones either."


Q: What's six miles long and goes four miles per hour?
A. A Mexican funeral with only one set of jumper cables.

Q: What do you get when you cross a Mexican and an Iranian?
A: Oil of Ol'e.

Q: What do you get when you cross a Mexican with an octopus?
A: No idea; but it can sure pick lettuce.

Q: Why did God give Mexicans noses?
A: So they'd have something to pick in the off season.


Q: How did God make Puerto Ricans?
A: He sandblasted Niggers.

Q: Why don't Puerto Ricans have chequebooks?
A: Because it's hard to sign your name with spray paint.

Q: How many people does it take to bury a Puerto Rican?
A: Five. One to lower the Puerto Rican, and four to lower the radio.

Q: What do you call a Puerto Rican midget?
A: A speck.

Q: Why aren`t there any Puerto Ricans on Star trek?
A: Because they are not going to work in the future either.

Q: What do you get when you cross a Jew with a Puerto Rican?
A: A superintendent who thinks he owns the building.

Q: What do you get when you cross a Puerto Rican and a Chinaman?
A: A car thief who can't drive.

Q: How do you fit forty-seven Puerto Ricans in a Volkswagen?
A: Use a blender.
Q: How do you get them out?
A: Doritos.

Q: Why are there no Puerto Rican doctors?
A: Because you can't write prescriptions with spray paint.

An Italian, an Irishman, and a Puerto Rican jump off the Empire State Building. Who lands first?
The Italian; because the Irishman stops to ask directions, and the Puerto Rican stops to spray paint on the walls.

An Italian, an Irishman, and a Puerto Rican jump off the Empire State Building. Who lands first?
"Who cares?"

The English teacher in a school in Spanish Harlem decided it was time for the weekly vocabulary lesson.
"What's the difference between select and choose... Ramone?" she asked.
"Select is when you pick something," he answered, "and choose are what Puerto Ricans wear on their feet."


Q: Why do Niggers always have sex on the brain?
A: Because they've got pubic hair on their heads.

Q: How do you stop little Nigger kids from jumping up and down on your bed?
A: Put "Velcro" on your ceiling.

Q: Why did God give Niggers rhythm?
A: Compensation, because he fucked up their hair.

Q: What's another word for cocoon?
A: N-Nigger.

Q: What has six legs and goes "Ho-de-do, ho-de-do, ho-de-do"?
A: Three Blacks running for the lift.

Q: How do you shoot a Black man?
A: Aim for the radio (or "ghetto-blaster").

Q: How do you define "confusion"?
A: Father's Day in Harlem.

Q: What do you call a Black millionaire industrialist?
A: A tycoon.

Q: Why were so many Blacks killed in Vietnam?
A: Because every time the sergeant said "Git down", they all jumped up and started dancing.

Q: Why are the palms of Black people's hands white?
A: Because they were all leaned up against cop cars when God spray-painted.

Q: Why did God create the orgasm?
A: So that Niggers would know when to stop fucking.

Q: What do you get if you cross a Nigger with a gorilla?
A: A dumb gorilla.

Q: What do you get if you cross a Nigger with a monkey?
A: Nothing, monkeys are too intelligent to fuck Niggers.

Q: What's the difference between Niggers and tyres?
A: Tyres don't sing when you put chains on them.

Q: Why do Niggers in Brixton have such small steering-wheels?
A: So that they can drive with their handcuffs on.

Q: What do you get if you cross Bo Derek with a Nigger?
A: 10 of spades.

Q: Why didn't the Black want to marry a Mexican?
A: He didn't want the kids to grow up too lazy to mug.

Q: What do you do if you see a drowning Nigger?
A: Throw him an anchor.

Q: How do you save a drowning Nigger?
A: Take your foot off his head.

Q: Do you know how to save a drowning Nigger?
A: No?!?

Q: Why do Niggers smell so bad?
A: So blind people can hate them too.

Q: Why do Niggers carry shit in their wallets?
A: For identification.

Q: What does it say inside a Nigger's lips?
A: "Inflate to twenty pounds".

Q: Why don't Niggers drive convertibles?
A: Their lips would slap them to death in the wind.

Q: Why do Blacks wear wide-brimmed hats?
A: To stop birds from shitting on their lips.

Q: How many Blacks does it take to pave a driveway?
A: It depends on how thin you slice them.

Q: What do you have when you're up to your ankles in Niggers?
A: Afro turf.

Q: What's the brown stuff between elephants' toes?
A: Slow natives.

Q: Why do Blacks wear platform shoes?
A: To stop their knuckles from dragging on the ground.

Q: Why does Michael Jackson use so much make-up?
A: For cosmetic purposes (he thinks he has an ugly black head).

Q: What are the three greatest lies?
A: 1) I'm from the government, I'm here to help you.
2) The cheque is in the mail.
3) Black is beautiful.

Q: How can you tell if a black man is well hung ?
A: He stops kicking...

Q: What does B FI stand for on a dumpster ?
A: Black family inside.

Q: Why don't you run over a black guys bike?
A: Because it might be yours!

Q: What did God say when another black baby was born?
A: OPPS! Burnt another one.

Q: What does NBA mean ?
A: Nothing but Africans.

Q: What do you call a 100 year old black man in a barn ?
A: Antique farming equipment.

A Black yuppie decides to do a bit of hang-gliding. He drives out to the country, takes his hang-glider, and proceeds to float off high over the woods.
Two old White farmers, Rosco and J.T., had picked the same day to do a little hunting.
Rosco looks up and says to J.T., "Shit! Dat's de biggest goddam bird I eva seen!".
"Let's get him" says J.T.
They fire off several shots, but the glider floats off serenely over the trees and out of sight.
"Hell, Rosco," says J.T., "I b'lieve we winged dat bird".
"Shit, I know we winged him," says Rosco "Did you see how fast he dropped dat Nigger?".

A truckie was driving a shipment of bowling balls through a town in the deep South when, to his horror, the tail-gate came loose and hundreds of black bowling balls went rolling out across the main road.
Within minutes, dozens of townsfolk came rushing out and began smashing the bowling balls into little pieces with axes, sledge-hammers, and anything heavy that came to hand.
The truckie runs up to them, screaming out "What are you doing? Why are smashing them?".
One of the townsfolk yells back "We gotta kill the Niggers before they hatch!"

This Black guy walks into a pub with a beautiful parrot on his shoulder.
"Wow!" says the barman, "That really is something. Where'd you get it?".
"Africa" says the parrot.

A Black man is about to walk into a polling booth in Lynchville, Mississippi, when he's stopped by the local Sheriff.
"Hey, boy," says the Sheriff, "the law says you can't vote in this county unless you can read".
"Ah can read" says the black man.
"Oh, yeah?" says the Sheriff, taking from his back pocket a copy of the Hebrew Daily News, "Well, can you read the headline of this here paper?"
"Ah sure can" says the Black man, "It says `NO NIGGERS VOTING IN THIS TOWN TODAY'".

How do we know that God is White?
Because in the Bible, he says "I AM WHO I AM".
If he was a Nigger, he would've said "I IS WHO I IS".

A White student is telling his friends how he had beaten-off three Black muggers the night before.
Black student, overhearing the conversation, says "Yo, you're full of shit, man!"
"Yeah?", says the White student, "And what colour is shit?"

Two cannibals are having dinner together. The guest says to his host, "Your wife sure makes a great meal."
"Yeah, but I'm going to miss her" his friend replies.

A little, short man about 5 foot 5inches walks into a bar, sits down and orders a beer.
The bar tender looks and him and says, "Hey man, you better get out of here with that shirt on."
The man replies "Why?"
The bar tender says well first off it says "I HATE NIGGERS". And secondly it's about 10 minutes from now a lot of them come in here from work.
The man insists he will be fine. He proceeds to finish his beer, and orders another one.
Well right as he is doing so, three blacks walk in and sit down next to him.
They order some drinks, and then notice the man's shirt.
The first black guy turns to the white man and says what does your shirt say?"
The white man turns to the bar tender and says, "The first thing I hate about black guys is they can't read."
The second black guy turns to him and says, "What did you say"?
The white man again turns to the bar tender and says, "the second thing I hate about black guys is that they can't hear."
The third black guy (a huge black guy, 6ft 9in, arms the size of dumbbells, really mean looking) turns to the white man and says,
"Would you like to take this outside?"
The white man agrees to take it outside.
10 minutes later he returns and sits back down, orders another beer, and says to the bar tender
" The third thing I hate about black guys is that they always bring a knife to a gun fight"


Q: What's the difference between a bowling-ball and a West Indian girl?
A: You can only get three fingers in a bowling-ball.

Q: What do hockey goalies and West Indian girls have in common?
A: They both change their pads after three periods.

Q: Why don't West Indian cheerleader girls do the splits?
A: They would stick to the floor!


Q: What's black and goes 200 miles an hour?
A: An Ethiopian with a McDonald's voucher.

Fred (pinching his neck at both sides): "What's this?".
Jim: "Don't know".
Fred: "An Ethiopian eating a cornflake".


Q: What is the title of the new Vietnamese cookbook?
A: 100 ways to wok your dog.


Q: What's yellow and goes "cheep, cheep"?
A: A Chinese prostitute.

Q: What do you get if you cross a Black whore with a Chinese?
A: A maid that sucks your shirts.

Q: What do you get when you cross an Abo with a Chinaman?
A: A car thief who can't drive.

Q: What do you call a fat Chinaman?
A: A Chunk.


Q: What's the difference between a pot of lobsters and a group of Japanese tourists who've just been run over by a steamroller?
A: There's no difference, they're all crustaceans ("crushed Asians").

Japanese man is in an Australian bank when he sees an Australian cashing in 100 American dollars, getting 143 Australian dollars in return. Remembering that he has some American money at home (left over from his last holiday), the Jap returns the next day to the bank to cash his money in.
Jap to teller: "Here is 100 American dollars, please exchange it for Australian dollars".
The teller gives him 133 Australian dollars.
Jap: "What's this? Yesterday you gave an Australian man 143 dollars for the same amount, but now you give me only 133. Why?"
Teller: "Fluctuations".
Jap: "Yeah? Well, fluck you Aussies too!!"


Teacher says to class: "I shall now read you some quotes. Whoever can tell me who said them, and when, they can go home early".
Teacher: "Who said "We will fight them on the beaches"?"
Lim Sung Wu: "Winston Churchill, 1942".
Teacher: "Very good, you can go home right now, if you wish".
Lim Sung Wu: "I will stay teacher, I'm going to be a doctor, and I need to learn all I can".
Teacher: "Who said "I shall return"?"
Sing Lam Po: "Douglas McArthur, 1944".
Teacher: "Very good, you can go home right now, if you wish".
Sing Lam Po: "I will stay teacher, I'm going to be a lawyer, and I need to learn all I can".
Johnny, at the back of the room, mutters: "Bloody Asians".
Teacher: "Who said that?"
Johnny: "Pauline Hanson, 1996", and he runs out of the room, "I'm going home now, see you tomorrow, teacher".

Teacher: "Johnny, put the word INFATUATION in a sentence".
Johnny: "A Jap tourist walks into Pauline Hanson's fish and chip shop, and asks her `How do you cook your chips?', so Pauline tells him, `In fat you Asian'".

Q: How do you Filipino.
A: The same way you Pakistani.

There's a plane flying over the Atlantic, with six passengers: a Frenchman, a pregnant French woman, an Englishman, a pregnant English woman, an Australian, and a pregnant Asian-Australian woman.
Lightning strikes both wings, and the plane is going out of control. The pilot rushes up to the passengers, and says "I'm sorry, but there's only 4 parachutes. As I'm the pilot, it's essential that I get back to tell everyone what happened to the plane; you'll have to work out who gets the other three parachutes", so saying, he jumps out of the plane, opens his parachute and floats down to the ground.
The Frenchman looks at the pregnant French woman, and says "France needs more Frenchmen, therefore I do this for my country" and he jumps out of the plane without a parachute. The Englishman looks at the pregnant English woman, and says "I do this for my country", and jumps out of the plane without a parachute. The Australian looks at the pregnant Asian-Australian woman, and says "I do this for my country", and pushes her out of the plane.

Sly,Untrustworthy,Fanatical,Sexually Deviant Jokes

Q: Why are camels called "Ships of the Desert"?
A: Because they're full of Muslim semen.

Q: What's the definition of a virgin in England?
A: Any female under the age of eighteen.
Q: What's the definition of a virgin in France?
A: Any female under the age of sixteen.
Q: What's the definition of a virgin in the Middle East?
A: Any camel that can run faster than an Muslim.


Q: Why is Italy shaped like a boot?
A: Because you couldn't get that much shit into a shoe.

Q: Why do Italians wear hats?
A: To know which end to wipe.

Q: Did you hear about the Italian-American who emigrated to Poland?
A: He raised the IQ of both countries.

Q: What are the three occasions on which an Italian man visits his priest?
A: His first communion. When he gets married. Before his electrocution.

Q: What would your call it when an Italian has one arm shorter than the other?
A: A speech impediment.


A widower was devoted to his only daughter and naturally was concerned when she decided not only to get married but to marry a Greek. Blushing furiously; he sat her down to discuss the facts of life, but she brushed him aside, telling him she knew all about those things and not to worry.
"Well, just one thing," the father implored. "If he asks you to turn over in bed, you don't have to."
The young couple got married and were extremely happy until about eight months had gone by. Embracing his wife in bed, the Greek said "Why don't you roll over, dearest?"
"Oh, no, you don't!" she said. "My father said if I don't want to, I don't have to."
"Whatsamatter," he said, "don't you wanna get pregnant?"

Three men, an Italian, a Jew, and a Greek, are crossing the road, when a bus runs them all over, killing them instantly. They appear before Saint Peter, who prepares to let them into Heaven.
The three plead and beg to be allowed to go back, as they're only young and haven't led full lives. Eventually Saint Peter relents and lets them go back to earth - on the one condition that they give up the one thing that each of them wants most of all in life, not even to attempt to attain it.
BANG!! They're back in the same street they came from, all a bit shocked by the experience.
Within a few minutes, they're passing by a pizza shop. The Italian can't help himself, he runs in, and just as he's about to take a bite of pizza, BANG!!, the Italian disappears - he's gone back to Heaven.
The other two are quite shocked by this, but then continue on walking. Just then, a dollar coin rolls across the footpath in front of the two men. The Jew can't help himself, he bends over, and just as he's about to pick up the coin, BANG!!, the Greek disappears.

Polish Jokes

The manager of a prosperous whorehouse in Warsaw one night found, to his dismay, that he was short of girls for the evening's entertainment. Thinking quickly, he dashed out and bought several inflatable fuck dolls, figuring that, given his average clientele, no one would know the difference. Soon after, he ushered a customer into a room that housed one of the new lovelies, assuring him that he was in for an especially good time.
When the customer came out of the room a little while later, the manager was waiting eagerly in the hallway. He winked at the fellow and asked "Well? How'd you like her?".
"I just don't know what happened," said the customer, shaking his head. "I bit her on the tit, she farted, and flew out the window".

Did you hear about the Pole who had a penis transplant?
His hand rejected it.

Did you hear about the Polish starlet?
She went to Hollywood and fucked the writer.

A group of scientists discovered an apelike creature in the wilds which they were certain was the Missing Link. The proof of their theory, though, required that a human mate with the ape in order to see what characteristics the offspring would take on. So, they put an ad in the paper: "$8000 to Mate with Ape".
The next morning a Pole called up in response to the ad, and said he'd be willing to be part of the experiment. "But," he said, "I have three conditions!!"
The scientists agreed to hear him out.
"First: My wife must never know.
"Second: The children must be raised as good Catholics.
"Third: If I can pay in instalments, I'm definitely interested".

Do you know why the suicide rate in Poland is so low?
Because you can't jump out of a basement window.

How can you tell a Polish Peeping Tom?
(Pull out front of own pants and look down).

Why do Poles have such beautiful noses?
They're hand-picked.

Two Polish friends went away on their annual hunting expedition, and by accident one was shot by the other. His worried companion got him out of the deep woods, into the car, and off to the nearest hospital.
"Well, Doc," he inquired anxiously, "Is he going to make it?"
"It's tough," said the doctor. "He'd have a better chance if you hadn't gutted him first".

A Polish man walks into his local pub and goes straight up to the barman, who turns away disgusted at the handful of dog shit the Pole is holding.
"Hey, Fred" says the Pole, "Look what I almost stepped in".

How do you know when your house has been burgled by a Pole?
The garbage's been eaten, and the dog is pregnant.

Did you hear about the Polish bank?
You bring in a toaster and they give you a thousand dollars.

Hold up a fork.
Q: What's this?
A: A Polish coke spoon.

A young Polish girl was hitchhiking, and a big semi-trailer pulls over to pick her up. The driver was a serious CB addict, and had an enormous CB radio in his cabin.
"That's the best CB radio ever made", he explained to the bug-eyed girl, "you can talk anywhere in the world with it".
"No kidding," she gasped. "Boy, I would really love to talk to my mother in Poland".
"Oh, yeah?"
"I would give anything to talk to my mother in Poland".
"Anything?" he leered.
"Anything" she assured him.
"Well, maybe we can work something out," he panted, pulling his cock, by which time it was fully erect, out of his pants.
So the girl reaches over, leans down, opens her mouth, and says loudly, "HELLO, MUM?"

Q: What does a Polish girl do after she sucks cock?
A: Spits out the feathers.

What's the Polish definition of foreplay?
"Brace yourself, Olga!"

"Dad," asked the kid, "can I have five dollars to buy a guinea pig?"
"Here's ten dollars, son. Go find yourself a nice Polish girl."

Did you hear about the man who was half-Polish and half-Jewish?
He made himself an offer he couldn't understand.

Two Poles and a Black were employed by the same construction company and got into the habit of working together - until the day the Black fell from a scaffold eleven storeys high. When the police came to check out the situation, there wasn't too much left to identify the fellow, so the officer in charge turned to the two distraught Poles. "Listen, guys," said the cop, "was there anything distinctive about this man?"
"No, he was just a regular guy" said one of the Poles.
"Hey, wait a minute!" piped up the other. "He had two arseholes!"
"Are you bullshitting me?" asked the cop. "How the hell would you know?"
"Because every time we went into the pub around the corner for a beer at the end of the day," said the Pole happily, "the barman would say, `here comes that stupid Nigger with the two arseholes'!"

A polish man is sitting at a bar having a few drinks when he notices a very attractive lady sit down at the other end of the bar and order a drink.
The polish guy calls the bartender over and says "whatever she is drinking give her another one and tell her it is on me."
The bartender replies "I don't think you want to do that."
"What do you mean?" yells the polish guy, "Send her the drink!"
"O.K." the bartender replies, "but I don't think it is a good idea."
"And why not?" asks the polish guy.
The bartender leans over the bar and very softly says "because she's a lesbian."
"I don't care, send her the drink." says the polish guy.
So after the lady gets her drink the polish guy very casually strolls down to the other end of the bar and sits down next to her and says, "so what part of Lesbia are you from?"

A Pole goes into a store and asks the clerk, "I'd like some Polish Sausage."
The clerk looks at him and says, "Are you Polish?"
The Pole says, "Well, yes I am, but, if I had asked for Italian sausage would you ask me if I was Italian??? Or if I had asked for German sausage, would you ask me if I was German??? Or if I wanted a taco would you ask if I was Mexican???"
The clerk says, "Well, no."
The Pole says, "WELL, why do you ask me if I'm Polish just because I ask for Polish sausage????"                                    The clerk says, "Because this is a hardware store."

Two white guys and a polish guy rob a mini mart. The cops are chasing them. The three guys ran into a potato factory next door. The three guys jump into bags. The cops follow them in. The cops see the three bags.
The cops kicked the first bag, which the white guy was in, and the white guy answered ROOF ROOF.
The cop said there is nothing in here but a dog. The cop kicked the second bag.
The 2nd White guy replied MEOW MEOW. The cop said there is nothing in here but a cat.
The cop kicked the third bag and the polish guy answered PO-TA-TOS

What do Poles wear to weddings?
Formal bowling shirts.

Q: Why wasn't Jesus born in Poland?
A: Because God couldn't find three wise men and a virgin.

Have you ever seen the Polish sex manual?:
1) In.
2) Out.
3) Repeat if necessary.


An English parachutist and an Irish parachutist were arguing about who was best at folding a parachute. Unable to resolve their dispute on the ground, they decided to go up in a plane and judge by the mid-air performance of their parachutes.
The Irishman jumped first, pulled his cord, and started floating down towards the earth.
Then the Englishman jumped, pulled his cord and nothing happened; he pulled his safety cord - nothing. In a matter of seconds he whizzed past the Irishman, plummeting like a stone.
"Oh," shouted the Irishman, yanking off his harness, "so ya wanna race, do ya?!"

Did you hear about the guy who made a million dollars in Ireland selling Cheezels?
He sold them as doughnut seeds.

Did you hear about the Irish car pool?
They all meet at work.

Q: How come Irishmen don't go elephant hunting?
A: They get too tired carrying the decoys.

Q: Why don't Irishmen become chemists?
A: They can't fit the little bottles in the typewriter.

Q: Why do Irishmen wear two condoms?
A: To be sure, to be sure.

An Englishman, a Irishman, and an Abo...........

An Englishman, a Irishman, and an Abo moved to Perth seek their fortunes; renting a flat there together. The Englishman and the Abo got jobs right away, but weeks went by without the Irishman finding employment. Finally, one evening he announces to his flatmates that he has landed a big interview for the next morning at nine o'clock. So, setting the alarm clock well ahead of time, he goes to bed.
In the middle of the night the other two sneak into his room, smear his face and hands with black boot polish, and turn off his alarm clock. At 9.05 the next morning the Englishman and the Abo wake the Irishman up: he leaps from his bed, pulls on his clothes, and dashes off so as not to be late for his critical interview.
The interviewer invites him in with an apologetic expression on his face. "I'm sorry to have brought you here for nothing," he says, "but I'm afraid we simply don't employ Abos."
"Abos! What are you talking about?" spluttered the Irishman. "My name is Daniel O'Connor!"
"I'm so sorry, Mister O'Connor, but we simply don't make any exceptions in our hiring policy."
"But I'm not an Abo!"
"I'm sorry you're taking it so hard. You may not think you're an Abo, but have you looked in a mirror lately?"
The Irishman gets up and goes over to a mirror near the door. Staring in disbelief at his undeniably black reflection, he stammers, "Oh my God, they woke the wrong bloke!"


Did you hear about the Irish hunters who got themselves all set up for a weekend of duck-shooting? They gathered their guns and the dogs and the ammunition and their orange hunting hats and tramped about for hours; but with no luck whatsoever. And when they came out of the woods at dusk, they looked around at all the other hunters, who were all carrying large bundles of dead ducks.
"Gee," said one Irishman to his companion, "everyone else seems to be doing pretty well for themselves. Whaddaya think we could be doing wrong?"
"I dunno," said the other. "Maybe we're not throwing the dogs up high enough".

A real estate agent is showing a new four-storey house to an affluent young couple, who are somewhat bewildered by his behaviour. On every landing, the estate agent stops, opens the window, and shouts out: "Green side up!". Finally, the young couple ask him why.
"I've got some Irishmen laying down the new lawn," he explains, "and I've got to make sure they do it right".

Jokes Collection

A dangerous criminal had escaped, so the police issued the usual photographs: left profile, front view, and right profile. A few days later they received the following telegram from an Irish detective:
"Have captured the fellow on the left, and the fellow in the middle, and at the rate I'm going it won't be long before I get the fellow on the right as well".

Did you hear about the Irish kidnapper?
He enclosed a stamped self-addressed envelope with the ransom note.

Did you hear that the Irish Republican Army recently purchased a thousand septic tanks?
As soon as they learn to drive them, they're going to invade England.

"Knock, knock."
"Who's there?"
"Irish burglar"

"Help! Help!" cried the young woman as she staggered up the steps of the police station. "An Irishman molested me!"
"How'd you know he was Irish?" inquired the Sergeant at the desk.
"I had to help him" she gasped.

A Irishman suspected his wife of infidelity and began to follow her movements. Sure enough, his suspicions were justified. Coming home from work early, he burst into the bedroom, catching his wife and her lover in the act; and, crazed with grief, he put the pistol to his own head.
"Don't laugh!" he shouted when his wife burst out in giggles, "You're next!"

The employees at the factory where Paddy worked soon discovered that every Tuesday afternoon the boss would always leave work early, not to return that day. So they all decided that if they all left early after him, they could have the rest of the day off, and the boss would be none the wiser.
So, the next Tuesday afternoon, after the boss had left, all of the employees went home. But when Paddy got home, he saw through his front window his boss making passionate love to his wife.
The following Tuesday, when everyone else was leaving the factory, Paddy kept right on working.
One of his workmates came up to him: "Hey, Paddy, aren't you going home? The boss has already left for the day".
Says Paddy, "No way! Last week I almost got caught".

Why did the Irishman spend all night outside the whorehouse?
He was waiting for the red light to turn green.

An Englishman, an American, and an Irishman planned an expedition across the Sahara Desert, and at the appointed time each shows up with the luggage critical to his survival.
Motioning to his umbrella, the Englishman says, "It's going to be hot out there, roaming across the desert, so I've brought something to keep the sun off me".
The American says "What's really needed here is good old American know-how, so I've brought along a portable air-conditioner to keep me cool throughout the day."
They look across at the Irishman, who is carrying nothing but a right front door to a 1968 Holden. "It's going to be a scorcher out there," he explains, "and so when it gets too hot, I want to be able to wind down the car window."

Did you hear about the football game between Italy and Ireland? The Italians all started arguing about who was going to kick off, and they all walked off the field. Half an hour later the Irish team won.

An Italian, a Jew, and an Irishman are marooned on a desert island for five years. One day, while walking along the beach, one of them comes across an old bottle. He rubs it and out comes a genie, who is empowered to grant each of them their dearest wish:
"Ah," says the Italian, "let me go back to the Old Country, where the wine is sweet and the women are beautiful." BANG! He vanishes.
"For me," says the Jew, "I want to go to the Holy Land and live out the rest of my days with my people." BANG! He vanishes.
"Gee," says the Irishman, "it's so hard to choose what to ask for. I wish my two friends were back here to help me decide."

Two Irishmen are out fishing for the day, and they have a great time; with the fish grabbing the hooks as fast as they can get them into the water. Finally, with the boat full of as many fish as it will hold, they decide it's time to head for shore.
"But listen," says Mick, "why don't we mark the spot?"
"No problem," says Paddy, who dives into the water and paints a big black X on the bottom of the boat.
Mick beams with pleasure, and they're almost back to the dock when his face wrinkles in consternation. "Oh, no!" he cries to Paddy, "what if we don't get the same boat?".

Lick the cover of a book of matches, then bend it back so the matches are exposed. Stick it to your forehead.
Ask, "What am I?".
An Irish miner.

A stranger walks into a pub and announces to the barman, "Hey, mate! Have I got some terrific Irish jokes for you blokes".
The barman leans over to him and says "Listen; if I were you, I'd watch your tongue: All of the bouncers are Irish; I'm Irish, and I ain't no midget; and almost every man in here is Irish".
"Oh, that's okay," said the stranger cheerfully, "I'll talk v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y".


An Irishman was in court charged with parking his car in a restricted area. The judge asked him if he had anything to say in his defence.
"They shouldn't put up such misleading signs," said the Irishman. "It said, FINE FOR PARKING HERE".

What does an Irishman call his pet zebra?

Did you hear about the Irish Rap Dancer who spent six hours in Myers looking for a cap with a peak at the back?

Then there was the Irishman who was stranded for an hour in a supermarket when the escalator broke down.

An Irishman got a job as a lumberjack, but try as he might, he couldn't meet his quota of fifty trees a day. By chance, he saw an advertisement in a shop window for chain-saws "guaranteed to fell sixty trees a day".
So he bought one, but the best he could manage was twenty trees a day. He took it back to the shop and complained that there must be something wrong with it.
"Let me look at it," said the man in the shop and, taking the chain-saw, he switched it on.
"Heavens above!" exclaimed the Irishman, covering his ears with his hands, "What's that noise?"

Paddy was sent to jail and was sharing a cell with two others.
"What are you in for?" he asked the first.
"Stealing a few bales of straw," he replied.
"And how long did you get?" asked Paddy.
"Six months," he replied.
"And what are you in for?" Paddy asked the second.
"Rape," he replied.
"And how long did you get?"
"Seven years," he replied.
"Heavens above," said Paddy, "you must have stolen a whole acre of the stuff".


Pat and Mick each had a horse, but they couldn't tell them apart. So Pat cut the tail off his horse, and all went well for a while.
But then Mick's horse lost its tail in an accident, so they were back where they started.
Finally, they consulted a wise man in the village where they lived and he said: "Can't you two fools see that the black horse is six inches taller than the white horse?"

Then there was Barry O'Loughlin who went to the doctor to get some medicine as he wasn't feeling very well.
"This is pretty strong stuff," said the doctor, "so take some the first day, then skip a day, take some again and then skip another day, and so on".
A few months later the doctor met Barry's wife, and asked her how he was.
"Oh, he's dead," she told him.
"Didn't the medicine I prescribed do him any good?" asked the doctor.
"Oh, the medicine was fine," she replied. "It was all that skipping that killed him".

Paddy O'Connor goes to see his doctor: "Doctor, my sex life is terrible, absolutely terrible!"
The doctor examines him, and says, "You need exercise. I want you to run every day, two miles a day. It'll improve your heart rate, your general well-being, your self-image, your libido. Then call me in a week".
A week later, Paddy calls his doctor, says "Well, Doc, I've been running every day, two miles a day, just like you said".
The doctor asks him "So, how's your sex life?"
Paddy says "I don't know. I'm fourteen miles from home."

On a small charter flight........

On a small charter flight out of Dublin there were only four passengers. An English businessman, a French priest, an Irishman who is the "Brain of Ireland", and an Australian mountaineer.
Suddenly, the pilot enters the cabin looking white-faced. He apologises for the inconvenience, but announces that due to engine failure the plane is about to crash.
"Regrettably there are only four parachutes," he announces, "but I know you'll agree that I should take one so I can report the cause of the crash". So saying, he grabs a parachute and jumps out of the plane.
The priest says he has a flock of five thousand souls to look after, and he is a very important person to them. He grabs the second parachute and out he jumps.
Then the Brain of Ireland steps forward and says he has to represent Ireland in the "Brain of the World" competition next month, so for his country's sake he feels he has to take a parachute. So saying, he jumps.
The Englishman turns to the Australian and says "Well, old chap, only one parachute left. What do we do now?".
"No worries, mate," says the Aussie, "there's still two parachutes; the bloody Brain of Ireland took my bloody rucksack."

On the other side of the Irish Sea, two Irishmen were travelling through Dorset when they saw a sign saying: CLEAN REST ROOM AHEAD. So they did.

And you'll remember also the Irishman who got a job as a doorman in a big building. He managed very well with the PUSH and PULL signs, but he was seen struggling with his fingers under a door marked LIFT.

An old Irish Army sergeant........

An old Irish Army sergeant wasn't feeling very well late one night, so he went to the doctor and had a check-up.
"When did you last have a drink?" the doctor asked him.
"1945," said the sergeant.
"That's a long time without a drink," said the doctor.
"It certainly is," said the sergeant. "It's nearly 2130 now."

Paddy and Mick

Paddy and Mick, both farmers, met one day at a Kilkenny fair.
"Tell me," said Paddy, "what did you give your mule when he had colic?"
"Turpentine," said Mick.
A few months later they met again.
"What did you say you gave your mule when he had colic?" asked Paddy.
"Turpentine," said Mick.
"Well, I gave my mule turpentine, and he died," said Paddy.
"That's strange," said Dave, "so did mine."

Three men

Three men, an Australian, a Scotsman, and an Irishman, are crossing the road, when a bus runs them all over, killing them instantly. They appear before Saint Peter, who prepares to let them into Heaven. But when Saint Peter looks at his clipboard, he gets all embarrassed. Shamefaced, he explains that there's been a mix-up, and that the three shouldn't have been killed today at all.
To make up for it, Saint Peter says that they can ride down on the Heavenly slide back to earth, and if they yell out their favourite drink on the way down, then they'll land in a big vat of it, and they can drink to their hearts' content.
The Aussie is first on the slide. On the way down, he shouts out "Aussie beer", and he lands in a large vat of beer, and starts guzzling it down.
The Scotsman is next on the slide. On the way down, he shouts out "Scotch whiskey", and he lands in a large vat of whiskey, and starts to drink as much as he possibly can.
Last one to go is the Irishman. On the way down, he's having such a fun ride on the slide, that he shouts out "Wheeeeee".

Sunday afternoon

It was Sunday afternoon, and Pat and Mick were bored.
"Let's go to the pictures," said Mick, "we could see Moby Dick."
"I don't like them R-rated films," Pat replied.
"Don't be so daft," said Mick. "It's about whales."
"That's worse," said Pat, "I can't stand them Welsh bastards."

And what about the......

And what about the Irish explorer who paid £10 for a sheet of sandpaper?
He thought it was a map of the Sahara Desert.

An Irishman and a Jew were in a pub watching TV late one night when the eleven o'clock news came on. The first sensational story was of a berserk woman poised on a window ledge seven storeys up.
"I'll bet you a hundred dollars she won't jump," said the Irishman to the Jew.
"You got a deal," said the Jew, sticking his hand out a few moments later when the woman plunged to a gory death. The Irishman sadly forked over the money and ordered another drink, only to look up in astonishment as the other fellow tugged on his sleeve and tried to hand the hundred dollars back.
"It's all yours," the Irishman protested. "You won the bet fair and square."
"Nah," said the Jew, "I saw it all happen on the six o'clock news."
"I saw it happen on the six o'clock news, too," said the Irishman, "but I never thought she'd do it again at eleven."

An Irishman and an American

An Irishman and an American were sitting in the bar at Shannon Airport.
"I've come to meet my brother," said the Irishman. "He's due to fly in from America in an hour's time. It's his first trip home in forty years".
"Will you be able to recognise him?" asked the American.
"I'm sure I won't," said the Irishman, "after all, he's been away for a long time".
"I wonder if he'll recognise you?" said the American.
"Of course he will," said the Irishman. "Sure, an' I haven't been away at all".

A young Irishman

A young Irishman wanted to become a cop, and went for the rigorous entrance exam; the last question of which was "Who killed Christ?"
The would-be cop went home excitedly, and said to his wife, "Hey, honey, I think they're putting me on a murder case already!"

An Irishman

An Irishman goes to his local post office with a parcel for his mother in Dublin.
"This parcel is too heavy" the post office clerk tells him, "you'll need to put some more stamps on it".
Says the Irishman in amazement, "And, if I put some more stamps on it, the parcel will get lighter?"

Two men from Dublin

Two men from Dublin were walking to the annual Dublin Fair when it started raining.
"Patrick, put your umbrella up, it's raining".
"I can't, Mick, it's got holes in it".
"Holes in it? Then why did you bring it with you?"
"I didn't think it would rain."

Young Patrick

Young Patrick is walking down Dublin's main street. Suddenly a man leaps out at him and punches him in the face.
"There you are, Mick, that'll teach you!", The man shouts.
But to his attacker's surprise, Patrick just laughs.
"So Mick, you're laughing; I'll hit you again!"
"Ha ha ha!", laughs Patrick, "the joke's on you. I'm not Mick!"

A Scotsman, an Englishman, and an Irishman

A Scotsman, an Englishman, and an Irishman arrived in Sydney too late to buy tickets for the 2000 Olympics. Even the scalpers had nothing to offer.
The three were outside the main stadium and the cheers of the crowd were loud in their ears and every so often the tune of a national anthem would blare out as some athletic event was won.
"Well, we've come this far, laddies," said the Scot. "I'm not going to be beaten." So saying, he looked around for inspiration and suddenly his eyes lit up. He ran to the car park fenced off with barbed wire held in place with long wooden stakes. He uprooted a stake, then stripped down to his singlet and underpants.
His companions watched as, with stake clasped firmly in both hands, he jogged to the competitors' entrance. They heard him say: "McFaddon, pole vault competitor", and watched amazed as he was admitted to the arena.
Inspired, the Englishman looked about; his eyes, lighted on the nearby cars. Without hesitation, he too stripped to his underwear, grabbed a hub cap from a nearby Holden and, jogging to the entrance, announced himself: "Lincoln, I'm expected for the discus event". He too was admitted.
"Sure now," muttered the Irishman, "three can play at that game". So saying, he stripped to his underpants....
But the gateman was not deceived. This figure before him, wrapped in barbed wire and dripping blood from the many small cuts it made was not "O'Leary, for the fencing".


Did you hear about the Irishman who locked his family in the car?
He had to use a coat-hanger to get them out.

A drunk Irishman staggers into Church, and goes into the confessional.
The priest says "Can I help you, my son?"
The drunk says "I dunno. Have you got any paper on your side?"


Then there was the Irishman who went surf-riding.
His horse drowned.

Have you heard about the Irish tug-of-war team?
They were disqualified for pushing.

Have you heard about the Irish cricket match that was cancelled because both sides showed up wearing the same colours?

An American Tourist

An American tourist travelling in Limerick came across a little antique shop in which he was lucky enough to pick up, for a mere £150, the skull of Saint Patrick. Included in the price was a certificate of the skull's authenticity, signed by Saint Patrick himself.
Ten years later the tourist returned to Ireland and asked the antique shop owner if he had any more bargains.
"I've got the very thing for you," said the Irishman. "It's the genuine skull of Saint Patrick".
"You swindler," said the American. "You sold me that ten years ago," and, producing the skull, added, "Look, they're not even the same size".
"You have it all wrong," said the Irishman. "This is the skull of Saint Patrick when he was a lad".



Q: What does Tarzan say when he sees a herd of elephants in the distance?
A: "Look, a herd of elephants in the distance"
* * *
Q: What does Tarzan say when he sees a herd of elephants with sunglasses
A: Nothing. He doesn't recognize them.
* * *
Q: What does Tarzan say when he sees a herd of giraffes in the distance?
A: "Haha! You fooled me once with those disguises, but not this time!"
* * *
Q: How do you know Tarzan is in the elevator?
A: You can hear Tarzan scream OYOYOYOIYOIYOOOOOO
* * *
Q: How did Tarzan die?
A: Picking cherries.

Unga Bunga

Unga Bunga 
This guy is walking through the Amazon. He's exhausted his food and water supplies and is starving. When he thinks he just can't go on, he finds himself surrounded by a tribe of cannibals, all with huge loin-cloths that can't hide their even huge dicks.
The man is taken to the village, given food and water, and is then brought before the chieftain. The chief, who has the largest dick in the village, says to him:
"Right, white man. We are going to give you a choice. You can either be roasted and eaten alive or experience Unga Bunga."
The man, obviously not stupid, first asks what Unga Bunga is.
"It consists of being fucked in the ass by all members of the tribe, white man," the chief replies with a huge grin.
After thinking it over, the man decides to go for the butt-fuck. So he kneels down and all the men line up behind him and fuck him till he's screaming with pain. After a couple of hours the torture stops and the man is free to go. Bleeding from his ass he crawls off into the rainforest.
A couple of days later he's lost. No food, no water. His ass has healed by now, but what good will that do him?
At night he's discovered by another tribe, who take him to their village. Again he is given the choice between death and Unga Bunga. And again, after much consideration, he chooses Unga Bunga. All night long the cannibals have their way with him and in the morning he's free to go.
The next day the man - lost, starving and about to die is AGAIN taken capture, this time by a tribe with dicks that touch the ground. AGAIN he's given the choice: death or Unga Bunga. Deciding he's had enough and won't be raped again, the man says to the chief:
"Go ahead. Burn me, eat me. I'm ready to die."
The chief, much impressed by the man's bravery, replies:
"All right, white man. But first.....UNGA BUNGA!

Cannibal Fruit Test

Cannibal Fruit Test 
Cannibals captured three men who were lost in the forest. The cannibal king told the prisoners that they could live if they pass a trial. The first step of the trial was to go to the forest and get ten pieces of the same kind of fruit. So all three men went separate ways to gather fruits.
The first one came back and said to the king, "I brought ten apples."
The king then explained the trial to him. "You have to shove the fruits up your butt without any expression on your face or you'll be eaten."
The first apple went in... but on the second one he winced out in pain, so he was killed.
The second one arrived and showed the king ten berries. When the king explained the trial to him he thought to himself that this should be easy.
1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8... and on the ninth berry he burst out in laughter and was killed.
The first guy and the second guy met in heaven. The first one asked, "Why did you laugh, you almost got away with it?"
The second one replied, "I couldn't help it, I saw the third guy coming with pineapples."

Two Cannibals

Two Cannibals
Two cannibals, a father and son, were elected by the tribe to go out and get something to eat. They walked deep into the jungle and waited by a path.
Before long, along came this little old man. The son said, "Oh dad, there's one."
"No," said the father. "There's not enough meat on that one to even feed the dogs. We'll just wait."
Well, a little while later, along came this really fat man. The son said, "Hey dad, he's plenty big enough."
"No," the father said. "We'd all die of a heart attack from the fat in that one. We'll just wait."
About an hour later, here comes this absolutely gorgeous woman. The son said, "Now there's nothing wrong with that one dad. Let's eat her."
"No," said the father. "We'll not eat her either."
"Why not?" asked the son.
"Because, we're going to take her back alive and eat your mother."

Two Blonde in a Bank Robbery

Two Blonde in a Bank Robbery
Two blondes decided to rob a bank together. The first blonde, Jody plans the robbery and goes over the plan with the second blonde, Buffie, in great detail.
The robbery begins. Jody drives up to the front of the bank, stops the car and says to Buffie, "Are you absolutely sure you understand the plan? You are supposed to be in and out of the bank in no more than three minutes with the cash. Understand?"
"Perfectly," said Buffie.
Buffie goes into the bank while Jody waits in the getaway car. One minute passes . . Two minutes pass . . . Seven minutes pass . . . and Jody is really stressing out.
Finally, the bank doors burst open! And here comes Buffie. She's got a safe wrapped up in rope and is dragging it to the car. About the time she gets the safe into the trunk of the car, the bank doors burst open again with the security guard coming out. The guard's pants and underwear are down around his ankles while he is firing his weapon. As the gals are getting away, Jody says "You are such a blonde! I thought you understood the plan!"
Buffie said, "I did...I did exactly what you said!"
"No, you idiot," said Jody. "You got it all mixed up. I said tie up the GUARD and blow the SAFE!"

Transferred Blonde Staff

Transferred Blonde Staff 
As a result of an internal investigation, one of the Duty Officer's stunning, blonde staffers was transferred from Aberdeen Maryland to an obscure base in Utah.
The woman reported to her new Commanding Officer and handed him her orders. He glanced at them and said, "Well Private, your duties here will be pretty much the same as your last assignment."
The girl sighed and said, "Yes Sir. I kind-of figured that. Will it be OK if I drape my uniform over this chair?"

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