Breath in Breath out

Breath in Breath out   
Once a blonde went to get her hair cut, but she was wearing headphones.
The stylist said, 'You gotta take off your headphones or I can't cut your hair!'
The blonde said, 'No! I can't! I'll just DIE without them!'
So the stylist just sighed, and cut the ends of her hair until she fell asleep, the stylist said to herself, 'I'll just take these off her to cut her hair. She won't notice.' So the stylist did just that.
After about 3 minutes, the blond fell out of the chair, dead.
The stylist said, 'I wonder what could have possibly killed her?! Maybe it had something to do with the headphones.'
She took the blonde's headphones and put them on her own head, just to see what was playing.
The headphones where repeating, 'Breath in, Breath out.'

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