What do you call it when you have three Chinamen, one Abo, and three Niggers lying down on your front law?
An automatic return-cycle sprinkler (Do sprinkler sounds: Ching Ching Ching; Boong; Nigger Nigger Nigger).

Have you seen the world's shortest books?:
Irish Wit and Wisdom.
Jewish Business Ethics.
Italian War Heroes.
Negroes I Have Met While Yachting.
Aboriginal Hygeine Hints.
Adolf Hitler’s Kosher Recipes.
Muslim Pork Dishes.
The Amish Phone Book.
Things I Can`t Afford by Bill Gates.
Great Women Drivers of Today.
The Complete Guide to Catholic Sex.
The Book of Good Australian Beer.
Beauty Secrets by Cathy Freeman.

How can you tell if an Irishman is present at a cock fight?
He enters a duck.
How can you tell if a Pole is present?
He bets money on the duck.
How can you tell if an Italian is present?
The duck wins.

Three guys - a Frenchman, a German and a Irishman, were sitting in a bar. In walked a mean looking black guy looking for a fight. He sat down, ordered a beer, took a drink, went over and slapped the Frenchman and said, "I like screwing white women."
The Frenchman looked at him and thought, and said, "Well, that's great."
Then the big black guy went over to the German, hit him on the shoulder and said, "I like screwing white women."
The German looked at him and said, "Good for you."
The black guy sat down and took another drink of his beer. He got up, walked over to the Irishman and belted him on the back, then said, "I like screwing white women."
The Irishman sat and thought for a second and finally said, "I don't blame you. I don't like screwing those black ones either."

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