Weird Family

Weird Family 
A regular customer walked into a gay bar and ordered three martinis in a row. "Say, anything wrong?" asked the bartender. "I've had quite a shock," the man confessed. "I just found out my brother's a queer." "Could be worse," the bartender pointed out. "Yeah, I suppose you're right...but my other brother's gay, too." The bartender raised his eyebrows. "Doesn't anyone in your family go for women?" " sister."

A customer walked into a bar and ordered three martinis in a row. "Say, anything wrong?" asked the bartender. "I've had quite a shock", the man confessed, "I just found out my brother's a queer"
The next day the same man walked in and ordered three martinis in a row. "What's wrong today?" asked the bartender. "Yeah, I just found out my son was gay!"
The third day, he came in and once again, ordered three martinis "Jeez doesn't anyone in your family like women?", asked the bartender "Yeah", replied the man, "my wife!"

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