Q: What's the difference between Circular Quay and a poof with AIDS?
A: One's a ferry terminal, the other's a terminal fairy.

Q: How do you fit four poofs on a bar stool?
A: Turn it upside down.

Q: What do you call a Jewish homosexual?
A: A He-blew.

Q: What do you call an Irish homosexual?
A: Gay-lick.

Q: What do you call a Chinese homosexual?
A: Chew-man-chew.

Q: Why did the homosexual leave home?
A: He didn't like the way he was being reared.

Q: What did one lesbian say to the other?
A: "Your face or mine?"

Q: Considering that in order to get married, two heterosexuals have to get a marriage licence, what do two lesbians have to get?
A: A liquor licence.

Q: What do you call a gay milkman?
A: A Dairy Queen.

Q: Why was the homosexual fired from his job at the sperm bank?
A: For drinking on the job.

Poof goes to see a doctor: "Doctor, doctor, I've got AIDS! Can you do anything for me?".
Doctor says: "Certainly," gets out his prescription pad and starts writing, "here's a prescription for some castor oil and heavy-duty liquid laxatives; take half a litre of each, every morning for the next two weeks".
Poof asks: "Will this cure me of AIDS?".
Doctor: "No, but after this, you'll know what your arse was designed for".

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