The Air Force is the smartest service because
they send their officers off to fight and let the enlisted guys stay back in the
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A Marine and a Soldier were walking outside
when the Soldier said "Look at the dead bird." The Marine looked skyward and
said "Where, where?"
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A Marine goes to the medic and as he touches
each part of his body with his finger he says, "doc it hurts everywhere. My leg
hurts, my arm hurts, my neck hurts, and even my head hurts! Doc what's wrong?"
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A newly minted Marine Corporal lands in the
Nam in early '67, and before his gear is stowed, the platoon Sgt. informs him
he's assigned to a search-and-destroy patrol that night...they're going out
hunting Viet Cong. The young Texan thinks for a minute, then asks "works for me,
sarge, but before I get in trouble, what's the bag limit?"
* * *
Three Marines were walking through the forest
when they came upon a set of tracks. The first Marine said "those are deer
tracks." The second Marine said "No, those are elk tracks." The third Marine
said "You're both wrong, those are moose tracks." The Marines were still arguing
when the train hit them.