Troublesome Twins

Troublesome Twins 
One day, Mrs. Martin the third grade teacher decided she'd had enough with the shenanigans of two troublesome students of hers, twin brothers named Clinton and Gore. The two brats were always yelling, swearing, pulling girls' ponytails, picking fights, etc. So Mrs. Martin decided to write a letter to the boys' mother. It went like this:
"Dear Mrs. Appleby:
I am writing in regards to your sons, who are incessantly disrupting my class. It makes it very difficult to educate my students when they insist on being a nuisance. I would ask you to either discipline these two boys to the level expected of a responsible parent, or move them someplace else.
P.S. Your two boys claim that their names are 'Clinton' and 'Gore.' Is this true, or are they putting me on?

Mrs. Martin

The very next day, Mrs. Martin got a reply.
"Dear Mrs. Martin:
First of all, the name is Miss Appleby, not Mrs. And if you had two little bastards, what would you call them?!

Miss Appleby

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