The phone in a college dean's office rang, and his secretary answered, "Hello, Acme University."
"Howdy," replied a man with a heavy Texas accent, "Could Ah please speak tothe Head Hog at the Trough?"
After a long pause, the secretary said coldly, "Excuse me?"
"Ah want the Head Hog at the Trough," said the Texan.
"Listen, Redneck," snapped the angry secretary, "The dean of our fine school is referred to as 'Dean Brown' or 'Doctor Brown'. We do NOT refer to him as the 'Head Hog at the Trough'! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!"
After an even longer pause, the Texan replied quietly, "Yeah, Ma'am. Ah understand. Guess Ah heard wrong about your school bein' nice and neighbourly. Looks like Ah'll jest have to donate muh poor ol' pappy's hundred million bucks to another place."
"Wait, wait!" shouted the secretary. "Here comes the Big Pig now!!"