
Two teenage boys turned up at church and the first went in for confession.
He told the priest he'd had sex the night before.
"Who was the girl involved?" asked the priest.
"I don't know, it was dark." replied the boy.
"Was it Bernadette McLafferty?" The boy said he still didn't know.
"Was it Theresa O'Hare.........or Rosemary McGinty?" asked the priest.
"I don't know, it was too dark." insisted the boy.
"Could it have been Anne-Marie, the baker's daughter?" asked the priest.
The boy continued to deny any knowledge of the girl's identity. Finally, the exasperated priest sent the boy away and told him to return when he could reveal the girl's name.
Outside his mate was waiting anxiously.
"Did you get absolution?" he asked.
"Naw." said his pal. "But I got 4 names for the dance this Saturday!"

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