Clinton's Out Jogging

President Clinton went on his usual morning jog when he kept noticing a prostitute standing on the same corner every day.
"Hey, there! How much?" he yells. She replies, "$100!"
"But I never carry more than $20 on me at a time," said the president.
"Sorry, honey," the whore replied.
The next day he goes jogging again and again she is standing on the same corner.
"Hey, there, how much today?" the president asks. "I told you $100!"
The president moved on.
The next day Hillary wanted to lose some flab on those fat thighs so she went along. As they came up on that same corner, the president noticed that the whore was there again and quickly turned his head towards Hillary to try to ignore her.
The whore sees our president and yells, "Hey, you cheap bastard. See what you get for $20."

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