Plating a Truck Driver

Plating a Truck Driver 
Billy (age 5) is sitting on his front porch steps playing a game. With one arm he's holding a cat, the other hand is full of M&M's. To play this game Billy starts at the top of the steps. He eats a couple M&M's, bites the cat, then moves down a step. Eats some more M&M's, bites the cat & moves down a step. When Billy gets to the bottom of the steps he goes back to the top and starts over.
Inside the house Billy's mother is watching him. She sticks her head out the window and asks Billy what he's doing.
Billy replies, "Mommy I'm playing Truck Driver."
Confused by the answer she has Billy explain how he figures he's playing Truck Driver.
Billy replies, "I'm popping pills, eating pussy and movin on!!"

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