

A British lady is window shopping in Delhi. Suddenly she realizes she is late for an appointment. She is not wearing a watch so she sees a small shop on the roadside, goes to the shop and asks in very British accent to the sardar owner.. What's the time?? 
The sardar is a very patriotic man and hates foreigners and their English accent while speaking ... replies back in the same accent... Bra-panties!! Confused the lady asks again. No! No! What's the time?? The sardar again answers back.. Bra-panties!! Bra-panties!!Seeing the confusion going between the two, another sardar comes to the rescue of the lady and says.... O papaji tusi samajh nahin paaye!! Kudi twade kol time puuch rahii hai gayee!! The angry sardar shots back at him .. Tow main bhi to oonoo time hee das rahan hai barah panthis (12:35)

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