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The grossest thing for me to see
is my bathroom floor all full of pee.
Why can't they make it in the bowl?
Don't they see there is a hole?

Out in the woods, they think it's cute
to see how far a guy can "shoot."
But in the house, it's plain to see
there is a bowl in which you pee!

(It's usually white & kinda round
you hit the water, not the ground.)
Why can't they make it in the bowl?
Is it a problem with control?

If not control, then tell me why
they make my bathroom such a sty?
Come on guys, get a clue!
You know what you have to do.

Be a human-not a pig 
& don't forget to lift the lid.
When you're done, make it flush
don't always be in such a rush.

Then take the lid & push it down
(don't make us women feel like clowns)
Falling in, it is not fun
getting water on your buns.

Zip up your pants, & you're all done
now wasn't that a lot of fun?
Keep this little poem in mind
Your woman will find you very kind.

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